luni, 29 noiembrie 2010


In iadul aprins intre noi
Minciuna pentru amadoi
Ce spre cadere ne indruma.
Sa plutesc pe cerul fara luna,
De ma opresti,te-nnec in mare.
Te-ai dus singur la condamnare
Cand m-ai atins
Si m-ai cuprins -
Cu dulcea ta alinare.
Si n-am sa merg pe drumul vietii
Secata de durerea singuratatii -
Ai putea oare sa intelegi
De ce te-am dat uitarii?
Era prea simplu doar sa pleci -
Blestemat fie glasul indelungarii,
Cu tot trecutul meu -
Amintiri rostite de un glas greu
Vreau doar sa uiti tot ce-ai facut din mine
Ia spune-mi zeul meu,
Crezi ca te tine?
Sa ma dezlegi de o dorinta moarta
Sa ma lasi cu umila mea soarta.

In trenul ce-mi aduce durerea,
Pe langa sine aud tacerea.
Cu ce drept imi mai apari in cale?
Suflet bland,tu mergi agale -
Sa-ti cauti iubirea.

Intunericul imi omoara speranta,
Caldura ma sufoca
Cat de mult imi doresc
Sa-ti mai zaresc
Din nou aroganta
Ce ma provoaca.

Pe drumuri goale
Nu-mi sta in cale!
Te-oblig sa pleci din mintea mea
Iubirea mea,
Tradarea -
Astept un semn din cer,sa-mi spuna cine moare.

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

Bucovina - Straja

Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu bata-l vina
De rasuna Bucovina
Canta cucu-ntr-un bradut
De rasuna-n Cernauti

Bucovina,plai cu flori
Unde-ti sunt ai tai feciori?
Bucovina,plai cu flori
Unde-ti sunt ai tai feciori?

Au fosti dusi in alta tara
Dar se-ntorc la primavara
Au fosti dusi in alta tara
Dar se-ntorc la primavara
Au fosti dusi in alta tara
Dar se-ntorc la primavara

Inapoi cand or veni
Tot pe tine te-or iubi
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasati straja sa piara
Muntilor cu creasta rara
Nu lasati straja sa piara

Daca piere straja noastra
A pierit si tara noastra
Daca piere straja noastra
A pierit sï tara noastra

luni, 22 noiembrie 2010

Duh innegurat

Tu inger,de luna ingropat
Duh innegurat...
Plin de lacrimi si fum
Aruncat pe un drum.

Tu zeu intinerit
De ploaia ce cade -
Pe pamantul innegrit
In frig si cascade
Iluzii lasate-n paradis,
Completat si cuprins
De o incredere defecta -

Din negura mi-ai fost adus
Si-n intunericul noptii
Te-astept sa-mi legeni la apus
Dorinta libertatii.

Si imi doresc sa vad de sus
Cu tu-mi aluneci printre fire -
Imi mangai paru-n pas de despartire
Si pleci impins
De-un vant trimis
Aici sa ma aline
Duh innegurat...
De cer sechestrat
De inima mea adorat...

duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010

Trenul iubirii noastre

Cum de esti asa perfect?
Copil defect -
Nu fac decat sa te alint
Si sa te simt,
Emotii se pierd in mintea mea -
Ascunsa sunt acum,aici
Pe drumul ce-mi alina durerea
Cantand,tu vrei sa ma convingi
Ce pura e iubirea -

Ridic privirea,ametesc
Am spus vreodata "te iubesc" -
Pe drumuri dezghetate
Intr-o continuitate
de iubiri adorate?

Cu felul in care ma privesti
Nu faci decat sa dezgolesti
O parte din sufletul meu -
Ce si-a dorit mereu
Ca eu -
Sa nu fiu uitata.
De lume-apreciata
Si de trecut eliberata
Te chem aici,iubitul meu -
Ador,iubesc si simt
Tot ce mi-ai zis,te cred un zeu
Legat in corp uman
Prins de pamant.

E prima oara cand iubesti cu-adevarat?
Te intreb respirand sacadat
Cunosti ardoarea iubirii
Si clipa despartirii?
Sau poate n-ai fost afectat.

De ce vezi perfectiune-n ochii mei?
Crezi ca-n apusul anilor grei
Eu voi uita de tine?
Si-ti este frica sa iubesti
Si sa te legi din nou acum
de cerul plin de fum
Cu care m-amagesti.

Te simt aici -
Pe mana mea.
Ca prima lacrima ce-mi va -
Meni uitarea,
Plina de clipe seci
Uitate-n versuri scrise ca-n povesti
Romante efemere,
Cu glasuri cenzurate -
Vrei sa-mi aduci iubire?

Te-apleci cu spatele de plopi
Uitandu-te adanc la mine
Ma iei de mana,ma dezgropi -
Cu lacrimi dulci,divine.

Esti viciul meu,acum nascut
Din dorinte pierdute-n timp
Cat de mult vreau sa te alint
Copil pierdut,
De ce nu pleci?
Pe-obrazul dulce,te inneci -
Si-astepti sa-ti dau un ultim semn
De noi
De voi
De sentimentele noastre -
Scrise pe petalele albastre
De trandafir.

joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

Apusul de iubire

Oh tu,apusul efemer -
Uitat complet de lume.
Te stergi usor pe-albastrul cer -
Cu luna fara nume.

De ce-ai venit in viata mea?
Copil pierdut -
Pe cerul colorat cu lut
Din mana ta.

Nu te-am chemat
Nu ai plecat -
Stiu ca ma vrei pe mine.
Vreau sa aleg o stea
Si s-o lipesc de tine
Apusul meu de catifea.
Iubirea mea de nea.
De ce-ai venit la mine?

Ce simt acum e ingeresc -
Ma-ndragostesc -
Sau doar ma pierd in amintiri
Foste iubiri
Si imi doresc -
Sa ne iubim doar din priviri.
Sa simt ca-nnebunesc
In taine lacrimi si slipiri -
Ce nu te parasesc.
Raman pe cerul instelat -
Si completat -
De inima ta pura.
M-am blestemat -
Si m-am legat
De-o dragoste ce s-a uitat -
In mintea mea obscura.

De vrei sa fi cu mine-acum -
Si sa calcam acelasi drum.
Sa lovim cerul plin de fum -
Te-astept sa vi la mine.
De vrei sa vezi ce simt -
De vrei sa te alint
Vino incet printre ruine
De suflete pierdute-ntr-un album
Facut sa te aline.

miercuri, 17 noiembrie 2010


And as I set in desperation,
With coloured eyes who's adoration
Was only for a man so cruel
He stole my heart,he didn't knew.
That I was taken and now I fear
My dreams are coming back to life.
I write from where I cannot hear
That sparkling sound -
That pushed the knife.
Inside my wounded and yet weak heart
That I kept hidden 'til you came
You said that I'm the one to blame
You like my name.

I love your smile,
Your soft wet lips.
It's sad...
You'll never be mine
I know that it's time
To forget I ever kissed those lips
That destroyed my pride.
They brought me pleasure
But they killed me inside.
How can you be so perfect and yet I find you too late?
How can you like a soul as rotten as mine?
How could I ever find you in this pool of regret?
How could I ever forget...
Humans can take
They can kill
You can break
And I still
Care enough to keep you here
Wait for you somewhere in time
Where you will see another kind...
Of love.
Of desperation...
Of obsession.
Will you get scared and run away if I'll ever tell you that I love you?
You'll never care for me that much..
And still,the path was chosen.
I can't go back,I lost my love...
You were the one that brought me back.
Just leave,don't say another word
Push deep into my wounded soul
The dagger you made to kill my trust
My pride..
My joy and yet another love.

sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010

Relatie si caracter uman

Cum definiti voi o relatie? Trebuie incredere,nu? Dragoste eventual. Cum poti cladi tu ca om ceva intre doua persoane care din start oricum atractia dintre ei este pur sexuala ? Am crezut in multe lucruri care mi s-au povestit de-alungul anilor dar de ce? Pentru ca oricum orice om ajunge in punctul in care are o relatie. Te intrebi daca sexul conteaza,te intrebi daca el chiar simte ce spune sau zice "te iubesc" doar ca se te vrajeasca. Sunt multe lucruri care la un punct trebuie sa le afli. Cum ar fi daca ti-ai gasi pe bune sufletul pereche? Crezi ca exista sau traiesti ca un copil rasfatat in fanteziile creeate de ai tai cu "Prince Charming"? Eu una astept sa vad,oare chiar stie sa iubeasca? Te astepti la orice,din momentul in care aceste doua cuvinte au aparut nu mai stii unde sa te ascunzi. Pentru ca si tu zici "te iubesc" dar te intrebi "oare asta simt?" Ce simt eu acum este real? Ce simti tu acum este minciuna? Nu vrei sa crezi ce este in jurul tau,nu vrei sa crezi ca voi chiar sunteti impreuna. Dupa ce simti ca totul este perfect,se rupe. Nu crezi? Naivule.
Am cunoscut oameni patetici,penibil si mincinosi. De ce sa cred ca nu sunt toti asa?
Mi-e mai usor sa traiesc in lumea mea decat in ce imi spui tu acum. Prefer sa cred ce vreau eu sa cred decat ce zici tu cand te uiti in ochii mei,eu nu vad incredere,eu nu vad fericire sau puritate. Vreau sa cred tot ce mi se spune dar asta nu m-ar face mai naiv decat tine?
Ai drepate cand zici ca sunt un copil. Si ai avut drepate cand mi-ai spus ca nu ma voi maturiza pana nu voi invata sa fiu singura. Dar de cata singuratate are nevoie un om ca sa invete sa traiasca? Ma bucur de ce mi s-a dat si poate ca nu vreau mai mult dar oare de ce am dat cu piciorul la ce-am avut? Omul patetic poate fi gasit in mai multe locuri si ipostaze,cred ca si eu sunt.
Naivitatea poate sa creasca in mintea unui adult la fel cum este un copil,dar ei de ce nu recunosc? Poate ca ma las dusa de fiecare vorba dulce pe care o aud de la un baiat si poate ca gresesc dandu-mi fiecare strop de incredere pentru ca oricum dezamagirea este urmatorul pas dar nu asta e ce ma face pe mine umana? Nu am fost invatati sa oferim pentru ca vom primi inapoi? Pacat,nu ne-a spus nimeni ca exista consecinte. Nu ne-a indrumat nimeni,am fost doar noi si o camera goala care cu timpul s-a umplut cu dezamagirea vietii patetice pe care o traim inecata in oameni egoisti si penibili care ce fac? Nimic. Asta inseamna sa fi om,atunci eu de ce incerc sa fiu altcineva daca e in firea mea sa esuez. Poate ca asa mi-a fost scris,sa caut pe cineva cu care sa-mi impart viata iar in final sa aflu ca am ales gresit.

joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

Thy poem with no name

How many times did you say I love you
To a girl as innocent as your eyes claim to be?
But was the sun that sat upon my face
To bright for you to see the place
On my untouched skin
Would you kiss me again
Just to let me bite your lips
Until they turn the colour of the midnight candle lights
You putred knight
Dressed in black with silent lips
Do you still have a heart under your armored body
Or do you want to keep it hidden
So I cannot reach in and capture
Your only proof of being human
Would you come in if I call you
Or will you think that I am joking
And surely I'll betray you
You couldn't change the past the crawls inside of you.
And now your weak
And when I walked away
You smiled
Why didn't you stay?
Was it because you couldn't bare to see me happy?
And though I will not change my mind
I know that you are broken.
And as my heart stops
I will say your name
And I'm the one to blame.

Romanta Atingerii

O blanda,nemiscare -
Cotinua uitare
Aluneca in mintea mea
Tacerea mea -

Apusul zgarie pe cer
Culoarea adorata -
De tine,suflet efemer
Ce mergi pe drum
Uitata -

Cum de-ai batut la usa mea?
Stiai ca vin
Sau ma abtin -
Sa iti descriu durerea.

Poti sa atingi pe cineva
Ce nu s-a pus in fata ta
Si-asteapta dezlegare?
Exact ca tine-ascult
Culeg -

Te temi de ce te-asteapta aici -
Sau stiu ce vrei sa zici.
Ca te iubesc
Apusul plin de fum
Ce-l dezgolesc
In asteptare -
Contemplare -
Te rog sa pleci
Si sa nu-mi zici
De ce mi-ai stat in cale.

marți, 9 noiembrie 2010


I see
I cry
I love
I care
I want
I was...
The only one that can give love to any man
The way hw wantes to
It's me
And I can't breathe
It's me?
The love I give
Can only prove
That I can serve the way you want
Every filthy thought
Every passionate dream
Every killing break
And all I say is
The beating of my heart
The way you press your lips against me
Is that what you want?
And I can see through your eyes
Even if you can't believe
I know all your dreams
All your fantasies
Do you want me to stop
Ofcourse I can go on
Make you explode
And call me again
Just for the heck of it.
No,I won't answer the phone
This time
I'm the one who's playing
You could never have me back
Cause I'm not your usual
You could never relly on me now
For I have no feelings
And I'm unhappy
And if that's what I feel
You know
My love,
That you will die
As easy
as my soul revived
And my heart healed
And my soul bleeds
I could kill you
Command you
Believe you
But I will never love you.
You poor inesthetic paranoid innocent human
I would never
Love you
You make me laugh
Why would you think I am the one?
I am alone
I don't belong
Now as I cae
I only ask
Do you believe in love,human?


A noise
That's burning in my mind
Filled me with fear
And you don't even care
Right now that I'm the one who's calling
The name I never said
I wanted to forget your face
Your voice,so I cannot regret
That you were never there.
The kisses you gave me
Underneath the balcony you climbed
And now you dare to call my name
As the best friend you ever had
I never want to see the face
Of a man who lied so pure
That almost made me cry.
And as I dry my tears in shame
I want to tell you why
You were the sparkle in my eyes
For oh,so many days
And that you coloured my whole life
It's sad,you weren't honest.
I don't want you to suffer
But I want you to pay.
You know...
That because of you I'm dead inside.
For I don't feel for you
But hate that wants to eat our souls
And yet you said you want me to forget
And love again...
I will just wait for you to see
That I can say a lie
As easy as you said it could be.
As easy as the wind
That once was all I've known of you.
You were as easy to forget
As you were to control
My mind will never see again
The same man in your eyes
And all my feelings
That were drained
Will never forget your lies
My one true love
That never was
But a bag of desire
He said he saw perfection in me
Just to get my clothes off,didn't he?
You should've asked if I would want
To be the one you ravage
And if my body wasn't enough
Why did you choose my heart
To play your filthy games
And make the same mistakes
You would've done
With someone else
You never said "I love you"
As a proof of your feelings
You wanted more from me
My new beginnings
Were for you so pure and yet you demanded
To see my eyes burn
And my lips shiver
Even though I never showed you gratitude
You know that I'm longing.
And yet I fear
Of what You said and what you felt
Is that to much to believe?
Do you believe me when I say I hate your guts?

You little angel that I fear
You pure condition of a man
Do you believe in love the way you said it is?
I know you don't
You couldn't handle all my shivers
All my dreams
And all my devotion
You filled your head with adoration
From yet another lost human
I do believe I'm what you said
Ofcourse you lied but that just made me more interested
In your kind..
Did you hold my hand in desperation
Did you want me to let go
For you to be alone
And make it more easy?
I say again that I control
My shivers with a smile
Did you believed me when I said
You were the only one?
Oh no I didn't want you to leave
But was my choice that important?
As a blessing
You drained poison out of my wounded soul
And though I thought you would kill me
You kept it for yourself
I saw you dead.
Your white flesh so cold and depressing
Brought a smile on my face
Are you perfect now
You filthy pathetic man?
Are you all you ever wanted to be
Are you complete now?
No I don't wanna feel again
The hate I felt with you
For I have seen what hate can do
And all I want is you
All my fear just ran away
In the same time
Your heart-beat stopped...
And I am not ashamed
That I killed the man I loved
Did you really think you could change me?
Damage me?
And that's why you had to leave?
Were you my hearts revenger
And my souls mistake?

Oh how I cherish now

The moment you touched the moon for me.
And didn't let me down
How I feel you holding me
And though I wanna stop
I know I'll never find a man
As perfect as your kind
You said you couldn't leave me now
But even if my love was true
You didn't want to make me feel
The fury of your soul
Just leave
And let me live
The life I always wanted
And I will never regret
So pure and so delighted
When I saw your eyes close
And your lips turning white
The moment you lost your breath
For the one
Of your pathetic only kind
I left and now I live again
And so completed
I hate the man that changed my mind
My soul
And my hearts rythm



I was your new morning breeze
Your little pit of fire,
Your academic dreams
That filled you with desire.
And yet I cannot breathe
For I have found again
A beauty...
And yet I seek another kind of power
That will bring you down
Cause you're the one who suffers...

Here in my grave
I only see my name
Another kind of game
Another kind of pain
I will not pay the price
For you so you can break my dreams
I will just seek another way.
I will not pay
I will not say
The you were everything for me
And now I do not care
That autumn came with you again
And I was not prepared
To face another love
Another lie
And yet another killing joke,
That was if I could say
You're a pathetic jerk.
That lied and filled his mind with lust
And now he's weak and wanting
The one ...
That left him there
But I dare not say the name
That's buried in my head
Another kind of game
Another kind of pain.

I didn't cry for you
The person that's in front of me
I cried cause you betrayed my trust
And oh,I cannot say
What troubles me again
And now I seek protection
The only one that filled my heart
With love and adoration
"I'm better off without you
And you're better of without me " you said.
But what made you the one you are today?
My midnight sleep catastrophy
I want to see your eyes when I...
Complete my dreams and leave.
With pleasure and beginnings
For I had told you from the start
That I was not your easy love
Even though you couldn't stop
I feel my heart full of desire
And how I wish to love again
You were a man who loved and lost
I am the one that never felt
A word out of your lying mouth
That killed my innocence
And blackened my desperate heart
That once had loved a man
Whose eyes were never mine.


duminică, 7 noiembrie 2010



Buzele-mi tremura,cine esti?

Esti tu,De unde-ai aparut?

Musti din mine,ma lovesti.

Prea puternic,nu te-opresc.


Te iubesc?

Eram singura,pierduta pe un drum pe care nu mai vreau sa merg,si oare pe tine ce te-a adus langa mine acum? Si oare de ce-mi spui ca ma iubesti? Eu nu stiu de ce luna vine pe cer,nu stiu de ce vrei sa pleci,nu stiu de ce m-ai lasat sa ma incred ca un orb indrumat pe trotoar. Uite unde am ajuns si am vrut sa cred in tot ce zici,mi-ai promis o lume mai buna si mi-ai promis ca e ultima mea lacrima,am fost eu atat de naiva? sau tu atat de orb? Si ma intreb,acum eu iubesc? Ce simt eu acum e vag si ciudat si nu cred ca-s convinsa de mine. Vreau ca tot ce ma rupe acum de realitate sa dispara sau sa fuga la tine,vreau ca zambetul tau pur si accentuat sa plece din imaginea mea. Perfectiunea,am gasit-o odata. Nu e vorba de aspect,de vrajeli sau de naivitate,e vorba de personalitate,sentimente,sarut,atingeri. Am simtit-o odata,credeam ca iubesc oare e atat de greu sa ma crezi cand iti zic "te urasc"? Nu fi prost,te iubeam,ramai cu amintirea,asta ai vrut nu? Sa ma ai doar intr-o amintire,te urasc,esti patetic,esti figura perfecta a unui om slab si penibil. Te iubesc? Nici vorba. Ai plecat,nu imi pasa,esti doar un baiat,obisnuit,pierdut.. si nu-mi pasa. De mori,de traiesti,de iubesti,oare cine o sa-ti fie aproape cand lumea se darama,cand prietenii te lasa si familia-ti moare? Puteam sa te ajut dar pacat,nu imi pasa. Si din tot ce mi-ai spus si tot ce ai facut am ramas cu un singur lucru,credinta si speranta ca o sa iubesc. Si asta intreb eu acum,oare iubesc?

Pentru ca-l vad si inima-mi bate,il sarut si mintea imi fuge,il tin de mana si nu vreau sa-i dau drumu,dorm langa el si nu vreau sa plec dimineata. Te iubesc? Asta simt eu pentru tine acum? Daca e asa,si tu imi vei creea aceeasi impresie si ma vei minti,ma vei trada,ma vei lasa... vei fi ultima persoana pe care eu.. o voi mai iubi vreodata. Dovedeste-mi ca e o lume mai buna,ca e dragoste,ca tot ce el mi-a aratat si mi-a furat exista si ca.. nu pleaca.

Te iubesc? 

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010


I had a dream,you were in it. After a few weeks it died and with it I died. Heart broken,I can't feel anything,but I know... I will go on but I'll never forget and you, you will cry.. And as my dream faded away I still see your face everywhere I go,everywhere I look there is a piece of your image and it's destroying me. I am dead but... I can still feel the pain you left with me. How I wish you could I wish you would see the true me,I don't hate you,I hate myself 'cause I wasn't enough for you. You will... die. And love..? Love is something I don't wanna feel,love is a myth. Love can kill.. don't be fooled or you will be disappointed and you don't want that. Love... doesn't exist and I am prepared to live in a world like that. 

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

A Poem by Autumn,Didn't

I didn't want the details
Of your pathetic life
How you wished for a lover
And wouldn't mind a wife
I didn't want to picture
A man so sad and weak
I cherished my illusions
Until I heard you speak
I didn't want to ponder
The reasons you confessed
Your torrid past relations
I never would have guessed
That I would seek my refuge
For that I'm angry still
I didn't want to know you
And now I never will