marți, 29 martie 2011


Curent,frig,iarna,vant si cer
Te fac sa pleci,te fac sa vrei
Sa vi cu mine.

Paduri reci
Copaci inchisi
Culori vulgare
Si tot nu esti aici.

Copii plangand,dealuri obscure
Culori deschise,cer inchis
Vantul te ia
Te prinde,te cere,te vrea
Te iubesc,mint,vreau sa vin
Ba nu ,ba da.
Esti prost,esti alb
Esti tot printre clape de smarald.
Esti adevarat
De neuitat
Esti paralel cu lumea mea.
Un univers inchis in cer
Un altul rece,efemer
Te invidiez,ma poti minti
Te cred si trece-o alta zi.
Cu noi departe si eu tot plang
Culorile se sting
Se pierd pe note muzicale
Nu mai canta,nu ma striga
Astept ...
Totul in zadar,ma retrag
Si plec in departare.
Te iubesc,mai spun,nu mint
M-ascund de tine si raspunsul tau
In cer,in nori,e-un zeu.
Te mint,ma crezi,am castigat
te las pe jos,te calc,esti praf
adio copil,adio si e adevarat.

The muffin stopped snuggling

Sometimes I wonder how our life would've been if we stayed together. How many kisses you would've given me each day? How many times you would've told me you loved me? Or maybe you didn't love me. You're the only one that I'll never call pathetic piece of crap and the only one that made me feel things that I didn't know I could feel. And my heart was screaming so badly because of my dreams and in every one of them you kissed me. I never kissed you,are your lips as cold as your words ? Are my kisses cold too? I wish you could read this and just imagine it's for you. Lonely in a room filled with lust and wishes I sometimes miss the way you called me so anxious asking me when will arrive and I miss how you trembled and loved me so deeply or at least that's what I saw. Dear love,am I to weak now to be yours? If i cried and begged would you just tell me you loved me for the last time and mean it? Dear memory,would you come back if i screamed? I'll wait for you in the wind,the snow,every winter will be ours,I'll wait for you when it's cold because that's where we really are.Is it possible that in another universe we're together,I'm there with you,I left home but with someone else? Maybe we wake up every morning smiling and you ask me "is this real?" but after all my dreams faded and my life changed,I said "no...". And I love you ,god!,I love you deeply,the way you smile,talk.. touch. how do you touch? I wanna feel it. I want to feel your sking slowly touching mine and no,we can't talk,we whisper to eachother things that only true love can whisper in our mind.

But is this real? Of course not,you don't love me,you don't care,you don't want me and the only thing I can say to you now is that I do..

miercuri, 9 martie 2011


Apus de tomna-ntinerit
Te vad pe cerul diferit
Ma tii de mana,anotimp
Dureros si infinit.

Apusul tau albastru-nchis
Ce nu-l mai pot culege -
Mi-as dori un asfintit
Pe nouri s-alerge.

Comoara mea de catifea
Comoara mea cea pura -
Te pierd pe fulgii reci de nea
Si iarna e prea dura.

Apus de iarna rosu-nchis
Carari de nea curate,
Intre zapezi de nedescris
Vad flori catifelate...

Copaci secati din paradis
Paduri taiate...
Culori sterse c-un alb deschis
Si te iubesc si-mi este greu
Sa-ti spun ca sun departe.